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Video and detailed walkthrough guide to maximizing Boomkin DPS. This Boomkin DPS Guide and video will cover all aspects of Boomkin DPS including, talents, glyphs, gear, stats, enchants, gems, professions, addons, and actual DPS application. Kaboomkins are awesome to play and definately my favorite character ever. I hope this Boomkin DPS guide makes you want to make one or play yours more! Please enjoy this Boomkin DPS Guide!
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“Now go . . . or something!”
Guild: Has A Bucket
Server: Arthas – US
Addons: DBM, Omen, Recount
Copyright 2010 © Tarou’s WoW Guides
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© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
we have come a long way
Just found this video. There was an addon during original Wrath called Squawkandawe that I used, but it hasn't been updated since 2011 or something. Anyone know anything similar that could be used?
Great video 👍 Watched this 12 years ago, and watching it again today!
Hey! it's relevant again.
Let’s see if this holds up 2022 😊
You are just telling people to get on your website, this is no guide at all 😂
still coming back here as a Honor to the Boomkin. will be ready to play one once again in classic
I guess you forgot engineering in the professions. It's by far the best profession due to the glove enchant
Where are you master?
2021 still loving the content you have provided. <3
Muy mala guia
"Trents" — Took me ages to understand what the hell you were saying… You meant Treants…
Yo man, how you cast starfire so fast?
Bro, why don't you have Typhoon lol, its the most important spell for bommy… 😀
i know this guide is years old but if we ever do get a classic wrath server (assume you play or assume you make a new guide) hitting socket bonuses is a bad idea as for example a 23 spell power gem gives more spell power than a +10sp +10 spirit gem + the socket bonus.
Website cant be reached sooo saaad no updates?
link to your site plz
What a shit guide
Man u i inspired me to play a boomkin ty for ur guides
Dude can u make guide for assasination rogues pve rotation from lvl 10 to 80 on wow 3.3.5
ya i need a dps guide from a druid that does 6k dps
omg how ur can game this game bad game ever
Poping a haste potion on bloodlust is the worst thing you could do. Actually, any haste spell on bloodlust its a loss in dps.
the Boomkin guide in the website is Patch 4.0.6 not 3.3.5
Glyph of typhoon is an awesome pve-aoe upgrade, same goes for shaman's thunderstorm glyph. You can spam more aoes without knocking a whole lot of trash back
Ty 😀
This was my favorite time playing balance. I really liked how Eclipse worked
wow so many retards first off all yes 69k crit its BQL he had the bite, also the dps your guild is doing is increbibily shit 6ks and 10k max my guildies are all over 15k with 12k being the lowest GG l2play your class guys
This is not even up to date anymore, but I just want to get back to awesomenes of boomkins in 3.3.5a
i dunt understand o: your talking about druids and then at stat caps your talking about draenei ? 😀
wrath of the lich king is the best!!! 😉
i like your voice *–*
Your damage is soooooo low!!
rofl , Heroism is up , u can kick me from the group now
If i can add:Always cast Starfall during Lunar eclispe,because starfall is arcane spell,and lunar eclipse is proc for arcane spels 😀
haste as boomie? no way, crit is much better… (600 haste is enough)
jesus christ there was a lot of buffs back then!
More like the best patch ever 🙂
Ty <3
god i miss old wow
Fav patch ever !
hello from 2013.
You idiot he have this wrist because for boomkin dont have good leather items and cloth gives him better stats
ICC stats : 51% crit, 3764 SP, 585 haste. Marrowgar 25k DPS.