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0:00 – Introduction
1:08 – Systems
3:07 – Top Changes
4:17 – Top Tier List
5:14 – Jungle Changes
8:15 – Jungle Tier List
8:53 – Mid Changes
10:07 – Mid Tier List
10:33 – ADC Changes
14:10 – ADC Tier List
15:05 – Support Changes
17:11 – Support Tier List
17:42 – SkillCapped & Outro
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Really dont think JINX is in the OP tier. I'm a 4 million mastery jinx one trick and just dosnt seem like yun tal did much for her as expected…..Im expecting a update on this one. She is far from OP.
Is the Skill capped website only in English, or can you choose another language in the video?
rengar is still underperforming in most elos becus hes weak early due to his q nerfs that should be reverted puting him in b tier is just wrong
How are Rumble and Ksante in the worst tier?
"Tenacity doesn't affect knock ups" – Riot's rules for Tenacity
"Let's make Rell the ONLY knockup in the game to be affected by Tenacity." – Riot breaking their rules for Tenacity
Why are you putting Aurora in top lane B tier dafuq
Smolder feels very weak. Thanks a lot Riot.
"Collector getting nerfed" , its 50 gold, geez
Teemo jungle got hit really hard since the E damage is almost all of your damage in the first clear. And that first clear was already cripplingly slow, the real weak point of the champ. Now your first clear as Teemo jungle is painfully slow. Really bordering on being just not viable as a jungler. It's like Nasus jungle tier now, where you can only cheese it in low elo, praying that the enemy jungler doesn't punish you out of the game.
Thx 🙏 4 the video got this 2 be the best.
It's my turn
Ksante c tier lmao, I play him and i can tell you he is broken asf
Ah man. I got nerfed this patch. My Urgot top builds ghostblade in some matchups
What wod be nice fore aurora ult wod be you can still walk out of it but if thay try to dash out you get knocked towards the center.
Cod be prty fun to time it with ther dash like vi puch.
Please put malph support into F tier
i will try rell top
Don't fall for the advertising. It says 2 euros a month. I signed up. I was debited 88 euros, which I asked for back immediately, but they haven't given me anything back yet!
no way with these nerfs
sooo smolder is starting a new D tier this patch? xD
Nothing is faster than my reaction time when the ad starts
Okay thank goodness they didn’t nerf my void puppy Kog too much
Made a mistake during R change for ambessa btw <3
I've literally just been banning teemo because I'm tired of having him be my jungler
Rell Top is viable now?
no more evil rylais smolder ;-;
master y buff preety sure this attack speed buff is for crit y i see many now building the new wilds on him and going full crit
make smolder great again
I love that you're going over the patchnotes and buffs, but please leave the tier lists out of it. so many low elo players get fooled by them into picking champs they have literally no idea how to play, and it ruins the state of soloq. Thank you
Is Rell's W knock up being reduced with tenacity the first time a "knock" time is reducable?
Collector and Youmuu's been the best combo for aphelios, as aphelios main this patch hurts
All the jungle Teemos on my teams have zero impact on the game. Please stop playing it
What elo is the tierlist for ? No way u have skarner in B tier for master and above
Thank God there is no Senna nerf 😌
Kled is so bad right now, yet I’ve never seen a tier list have kled anywhere other than S 😂 makes me think half the champs aren’t even checked
I only play noct but I don’t wanna be a one trick so what other champ should I play that has a similar playstyle to him but is still strong in the meta?
Wait, what happened to Ruby? I thought she was broken
1% of damage = -1%wr? How this make sense?
Really troll to put Thresh in the tier S when he has under 50% winratio across all elos.This video has 0 credibility.Not to mention he also has between 5-10% pickratio,is not even popular but also nobody bans it,he has under 5% ban ratio…
Oh good. Only buffs for ambessa i was worried I'd have to ban someone else.
Why would you buff Master Yi