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NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 14.23 – League of Legends


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0:00 – Introduction
1:08 – Systems
3:07 – Top Changes
4:17 – Top Tier List
5:14 – Jungle Changes
8:15 – Jungle Tier List
8:53 – Mid Changes
10:07 – Mid Tier List
10:33 – ADC Changes
14:10 – ADC Tier List
15:05 – Support Changes
17:11 – Support Tier List
17:42 – SkillCapped & Outro

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  1. Really dont think JINX is in the OP tier. I'm a 4 million mastery jinx one trick and just dosnt seem like yun tal did much for her as expected…..Im expecting a update on this one. She is far from OP.

  2. Teemo jungle got hit really hard since the E damage is almost all of your damage in the first clear. And that first clear was already cripplingly slow, the real weak point of the champ. Now your first clear as Teemo jungle is painfully slow. Really bordering on being just not viable as a jungler. It's like Nasus jungle tier now, where you can only cheese it in low elo, praying that the enemy jungler doesn't punish you out of the game.

  3. What wod be nice fore aurora ult wod be you can still walk out of it but if thay try to dash out you get knocked towards the center.
    Cod be prty fun to time it with ther dash like vi puch.

  4. I love that you're going over the patchnotes and buffs, but please leave the tier lists out of it. so many low elo players get fooled by them into picking champs they have literally no idea how to play, and it ruins the state of soloq. Thank you

  5. Really troll to put Thresh in the tier S when he has under 50% winratio across all elos.This video has 0 credibility.Not to mention he also has between 5-10% pickratio,is not even popular but also nobody bans it,he has under 5% ban ratio…

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